Official WildStar Online Community
Aurin Esper Art
Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Equipment: Psyblade
Armor: Light Armor
Resource: PSI Points
Primary Attributes: Moxie (DPS), Insight (Healing)
Secondary Attributes Finesse, Brutality (DPS) (Healing)
Dominion Races: Cassian, Chua
Exiles Races: Human, Aurin

Esper is a playable class in WildStar. They are masters of the mind, who tap into powerful psychic energies to lash out and incapacitate enemies or strengthen and protect their friends. The connection between the mind and body is a powerful thing, and no one demonstrates this better than an Esper.



While others waste time swinging clunky metal swords at you, you'll be ventilating them with an indestructible wit-sharpened stiletto forged from 100% superego! Unlike their flimsy milquetoast steel counterparts, your psy-blade projections can be flung with deadly abandon among your cerebrally disadvantaged victims! Brain power never felt so good!

Benevolent illusions

They say time heals all wounds, but why wait? Humiliate generations of traditional physicians by restoring life and buffing armor using only the power of your mind! And if you ever dreamed of transforming into a health-restoring, rainbow-pooping spirit animal? BOOM.

Terrifying nightmares

Tired of hearing that you cause "bad vibes" and fly off the handle over "nothing"? Put those judgmental haters on the short bus to payback school! Use your enemies' worst fears against them, attacking with nightmarish psycho-kinetic horrors guaranteed to stop even the hardiest of hearts.


Espers can be built into three main roles:

  • Stationary Nuke Espers, relying on long range attacks, proper positioning, and knowledge of when to move and when to attack to blast their enemies with massive amounts of burst
  • Mobile Controller Espers, wading into the thick of the battlefield to herd and handle crowds, relying on their life stealing to stay alive
  • Healer Espers, using their large arsenal of targeted heals, buffs, and HoTs to keep their allies alive. They are the most like healers from other games


The following section is taken from the official website.

Rare individuals that display unusual mental fortitude, Espers must undergo rigorous training in order to harness the turbulent, chaotic energies of the mind – eventually learning to focus and transform this energy into telekinetic power. Once they have mastered this ability, Espers learn to use the psyblade – a sharp and deadly projectile weapon propelled through the air by the force of their minds.

While others waste time swinging clunky metal swords at you, you'll be ventilating them with an indestructible wit-sharpened stiletto forged from 100% superego! Unlike their flimsy milquetoast steel counterparts, your psyblade projections be flung with deadly abandon among your cerebrally disadvantaged victims! Brain power never felt so good!

But the psyblade is not the only weapon in the Esper's arsenal. They can also manipulate mental energy to create illusions so convincing they are capable of inflicting very real damage on their enemies. This same technique can be used to bolster friends, allowing them to return to the fray after being injured in battle. A fully trained Esper can turn the tide in any conflict, sustaining and healing their allies while dishing out devastating mental blasts against their foes.

Nature of Powers[]

Espers are not psionic. They can't read minds, control people's thoughts, or move objects telekinetically.

The energies they harness are more emphatic than anything. On that note, their illusions are not based on convincing the enemy they are being hit, but are actually very real objects capable of dealing very real damage, birthed by the Esper and given form by their powers.

Ability Resource[]

The Esper's primary class-based resource is Psi Points, which are generated by casting builder abilities and are consumed by spender abilities. These spender abilities are magnified in power based on the number of Psi Points consumed.

Innate Ability: Spectral Form[]

Main article: Spectral Form

The Esper innate ability is Spectral Form, which returns one Psi Point every second for five seconds (for a total of five Psi Points).  It will also grant a stack of Interrupt Armor, a moderate amount of absorption, and a self-root for the duration. Although the self-root prevents jogging and sprinting, players can still Dash out of trouble.

Deciding when it is safe to use Spectral Form is an integral part of playing the Esper.

A perk of this ability allows the user to right click on the buff, which removes both the absorption shield and the root, but retains the Psi Point generation.


Icon Name Level
Telekinetic Strike Telekinetic Strike 1
Mind Burst Mind Burst 2
Concentrated Blade Concentrated Blade 4
IconBladeDance Blade Dance 6
Telekinetic Storm Telekinetic Storm 9
IconIllusionaryBlades Illusionary Blades 18
IconPsychicFrenzy Psychic Frenzy 15
Haunt Haunt 18
Spectral Swarm Spectral Swarm* 20
Reap Reap 27
Icon Name Level
IconMindOverBody Mind Over Body 6
Bolster Bolster 9
Reverie Reverie 9
Phantasmal Armor Phantasmal Armor 11
IconSoothe Soothe 13
Mending Banner Mending Banner 15
IconMirage Mirage* 20
IconPyrokineticFlame Pyrokinetic Flame 21
IconWarden Warden 27
IconMentalBoon Mental Boon 31
Icon Name Level
Crush Crush 3
IconGeist Geist 6
Restraint Restraint 13
IconCatharsis Catharsis 15
IconFadeOut Fade Out 15
Meditate Meditate 18
Fixation Fixation* 20
IconIncapacitate Incapacitate 21
Shockwave Shockwave 24
IconProjectedSpirit Projected Spirit 31
Items marked with * are unlocked through AMPs.


Assault Hybrid A/S Support Hybrid S/U Utility Hybrid A/U
Tier 1

[Assault Power]
[Armor Pierce]

[Critical Hit]
[Critical Hit Severity]

[Focus Recovery]
[Support Power]
[Focus Cost]

[PvP Defense]
[Maximum Shield Capacity]

[Dash Regen]
[CC Resilience]

[PvP Offense]

Tier 2

[The Power!]
[Follow Through]
[True Sight]

[No Pain No...]
[Not Snackworthy]

[Build Up]
[Focus Mastery]
[Spectral Shield]
[Hard to Hit]

[From the Grave]
[Psychic Barrier]
[Bounce Back]
[Stand Strong]

[Iron Reflexes]
[Mental Overflow]
[Defensive Maneuvers]
[Inspirational Charge]

[No Remorse]
[The Humanity]

Tier 3

[Quick Response]
[Spectral Swarm]


[Healing Touch]

[Me Worry?]

[Cheat Death]

[Slow it Down]


AMP Source Zone Subzone Coordinates
[Me Worry?]
[Mental Overflow]
[Focus Mastery]
[Stand Strong]
IconExilesSimple Merchant Voxic
IconDominionSimple Provisions Officer Windfree
-2432, -1884
5758, -2582
[Build Up]
[Quick Reponse]
IconExilesSimple Mojo Moodies (quest)
IconDominionSimple Greenbough Guardian (quest)
Spearclaw Post
Gienview's Bulkwark

1028, -3059
[Iron Reflexes] IconExilesSimple Mika
IconDominionSimple Merchant Clara Clearfield
Bloodfire Village
-5621, -709
4089, -3938
[Inspiration] IconExilesSimple Mika
IconExilesSimple Lady Saphis
IconDominionSimple Merchant Clara Clearfield
IconDominionSimple Melri Gladewalker
Bloodfire Village
Lightreach Mission
Sylvan Glade
-5621, -709
-2555, -3500
4089, -3938
2706, -2406
[Reckful] IconExilesSimple Lady Saphis
IconDominionSimple Melri Gladewalker
Lightreach Mission
Sylvan Glade
-2555, -3500
2706, -2406
IconExilesSimple Dakahari
IconDominionSimple Reya Resinbough
Farside Virtue's Landing
Walker's Landing
5354, -4556
5899, -4951
[From the Grave]
[No Remorse]
[Psychic Barrier]
[No Pain, No Pain]
[Protection by Deflection]
[Razor's Edge]
[True Sight]
IconExilesSimple Supply Officer Phenoxia
IconDominionSimple Supply Officer Clayre
Legion's Way
FCON Headquarters
-2856, -496
4215, -2257
[No Pain No...]
[The Power]
[Spectral Shield]
[Hard to Hit]
[Inspirational Charge]
IconExilesSimple Zephix
IconDominionSimple Fenan Sunstrider
Whitevale Palerock Post
Thermock Hold
2137, -785
4578, -791
[Bounce Back]
[Defensive Maneuvers]
[Not Snackworthy]
[Slow it Down]
[Cheat Death]
IconExilesSimple Provisioner Jazira
IconDominionSimple Merchant Snowglimmer
Wilderrun Fort Vigilance
Fool's Hope
1271, -2009
2066, -1729




Patch changes[]

  • IconPatch Strain Ultradrop:Damage floaters should now always appear for each pulse of a channeled spell.

External links[]

WildStar Online Classes
Engineer · Esper · Medic · Spellslinger · Stalker · Warrior